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The Nachi MC600 with hollow wrists and plenty of wrist torque is perfect for operations which requires large operating envelopes. With a payload up to 600 kg, it is opening up a new era of heavy loading robots.

Robot included with:
Robot Monitoring Unit (RMU)
Communication Protocol Standard: ProfiNet (Alternative: EtherNet/IP or EtherCat)

Controller type:
FD20 controller


  • Strong Wrist with hollow construction
  • Compact and easy routing for cables and hoses.
  • Improved reliability for ancillary cables and hoses.
  • Supports large-scale guns and workpieces with substantial wrist torques.
  • Top of their class wrist torques. (1.8 times the wrist capacity compared to our conventional machines)
  • High-speed operations
  • Top operating performance in their class.
  • Improved applicability
  • Large operating envelope to easily replace existing equipment.
  • Signal wires for moving applications are standard equipment
  • Air 2 system, signal wires with 40 conductors, cable, LAN cable.

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